Tuesday 21 November 2017

Operations using fractions, percentages, decimals and integers.

In Maths we have been learning to: Understand operations using fractions, percentages, decimals and integers.

Here is some evidence of my learning.

Percentage problems total unknown -

Extended Abstract assessment task - Lazer Blazer task/answers.

Something that challenged me during this unit of learning was the extended abstract activity because it wasn't super easy.

My next step is to continue to apply these strategies to real life/ problem solving situations.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Elections Writing

WALT: Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.

“Delivering for New Zealanders”the National party is the greatest party and we don't need to change government in this year's election.
I believe that the National party is best kept in government as this is the best option for us.
For instance; the the justice system is lacking and it could be better, criminals are going unpunished and without the correct punishment and there is much that National can do about it that other parties can’t.These are all things that National had promised to address in their next term in government that I strongly believe will benefit New Zealand the most. Personally, I think that the promise about allowing police to search properties without a warrant for firearms and meth is excellent for policing

If National was re-elected they would like to allow police to search cars and houses for firearms without a warrant in some cases.This policy is stating that police will be allowed to search  cars and houses for firearms without a warrant in some cases.This policy is good because it can lower the number of meth and firearm related crimes it the cities of New Zealand. This policy is also good because it could potentially stop firearm and drug trades in New Zealand.Another policing policy that National hopes to accomplish is a new criminal offence for inappropriate use of meth.

Not if but when National is re-elected they wish to create a new criminal policy for people who contaminate rental properties with meth.Essentially they want to create a new policy to hopefully stop more criminals from committing meth related crimes.This is a good policy because it can stop meth related crimes in NZ, It means that meth users will get the punishment that they deserve.
National has a lot of policing policies but there are also some policies that will benefit the people of New Zealand.

National would hope to create a 24/7 phone line for non emergencies when they are re-elected.
This policy is stating that National will be introducing a 24 hour 7 day a week phone line for non emergencies.This policy is a good idea because it will be for all hours of the year so people can call whenever they have problems, this is a good policy because it can help people with their issues.
Overall National have a lot of great policies but other parties such as Green with their legalise marijuana policy.

National is trying to get rid of drugs but the Green party is trying to legalise them (Marijuana).
The Green party wants to legalize marijuana and that isn’t good for the health of our citizens, both the users and non-users.This policy is bad because it puts the health and safety of NZ citizens in jeopardy, and this also is bad because people can fake being sick to get legal marijuana.
Overall there are a lot of pros and cons to politics and parties that run them.

My next steps are:

To put in more complex vocabulary and sentences.

Friday 22 September 2017

Koru games reflection.

In the Koru Games the sport I competed in was boys volleyball.

Our team won all of our games up until the final.

I found the experience to be good because I got to learn new things throughout the games.

In terms of working with Individuals and Groups; my solo level is extended abstract because I can work very well in a team and I can include everyone in the sport.

For Teamwork; my solo level is also extended abstract because I can participate in creating a great team atmosphere by taking responsibility and actions in a critical manner.

Individuals and groups
I need help to work in a group (with teachers or other students
I can work in a group with my friends.
I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  

I can respond positively to the needs of others
I can reflect on how well I work with the group and seek feedback on how I can improve

I need help to interact with others.

I need help to participate in a team.
I can interact with others one to one.

I can participate in a team.
I can interact with others in a small group.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team and explain my choices in terms of team outcomes.
I can participate in creating healthy teams by taking responsibility and critical action.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Convert between metric units using decimals.

In Maths we have been learning………..

Convert between metric units using decimals.
Converting is part of our Number Knowledge.
It is important to just know these as we can use this knowledge when we are solving measurement problems.

Here are the IXL screenshots that show evidence of my learning.  

SKI JUMP  - This is the activity that shows my ability to apply the knowledge I have learned.

Here is link to my Ski Jump problem solving activity answer sheet. Ski Jump Answer sheet

My next  step in Maths is…… to use this new knowledge to help me solve a wide variety of measurement problems